Anodamine Protection

The Basics


Anodamine has a molecular orientation and functionality/architecture, which allows it to permeate through existing oxide layers (semi-porous and non-porous protective oxide) until it reaches the base metal interface. The polarization and electron density that exists at this interferface causes the selective attraction for Anodamine.

Anodamine is successfully applied on many high pressure boilers ranging from natural and forced circulation, sub critical drum units, all ferrous and mixed metallurgy units, HRSG and cogeneration configurations, with air cooled and/or evaporative condensers, through to super critical once through generators, the latter delivering an operational CACE of approximately 0.08 uS/cm whilst maintaining a routine dosage of 1 ppm proportional to feed water and an active measured Anodamine residual of 800-1000 ppb.


Through its selective nature, Anodamine targets virgin metal surfaces to form a protective barrier.


The anode (capital plant) is protected with a mono-molecular film that provides ultimate protection, without comprimising heat transfer.



Through isolation of the anode, a complete metal protection occurs irrespective of oxygen concentrations.



Every part of the steam-water cycle has water, whether it be a liquid or gas. Anodamine will carry through the entire cycle as it is 100% water soluble.


The Anodamine film forming mechanism and resultant isolation of the anode protection extends to both ferrous and copper based alloys. This unique approach to metal protection allows for virgin base metal isolation from the cooling medium, prevents under deposit corrosion mechanisms, but more importantly allows mixed metallurgy uses to successfully and with no risk, operate their installations under an AVT(O) treatment--leaving the use of oxygen scavengers obselete.

Removal of oxygen becomes irrelevant for protection of either ferrous or admiralty alloys and allows for termination of all reducing agents. Oxygen pitting is eliminated irrespective of oxygen concentration. Protection of both metals and their oxides is irrespective of ammonia and/or amine concentration. Mixed metallurgy units can now successfully operate AVT(O) with ammoniated highly buffered steam and condensate pH’s. Copper protection is ensured and residual oxygen prevents single-phase FAC.

Anodamine is field-tested up to 4500 psi / 310 bar and 566°C / 1051°F on many high pressure boilers ranging from sub-critical drum units through to super critical once through generators, the latter delivering an operational CACE of approx. 0.08 uS/cm whilst maintaining a routine dosage of 1 ppm proportional to feed water flow.


No risk in over-dosing

There are no risks of blockages, waxy deposits, buildups or any negative effects of over-dosing Anodamine. Accidents occur--know that your plant is not at risk from over-dosing when they do.

Conventional film-forming amines are known to be plagued with blockages and waxy "gunk" balls when over-dosed. Pair this problem up with the need to use neutralizing amines for solubility issues and there are significant risks for formation of waxy "gunk" balls in attempt to control pH and protect metal.


Easy one-point, one-product control

Anodamine is a single substance product that satisfies all metal protection needs in tandem with existing chemical regimes (AVT(O) and OT). Simply dose at one selected cycle point and Anodamine will carry through all regions of the steam-water cycle.

Key Features


Enviromentally Friendly

Anodamine is a non-toxic, environmentally-friendly chemistry with no handling risks. The result is a safer work environment and peace of mind for everyone, without compromise to performance.


OEM Compliant

Anodamine ensures full compliance with OEM steam quality guidelines with cation conductivities of < 0.2 µS/cm. Moreover, there are no installation risks if overdosed.


No Effect on Online Instrumentation

Online instrumentation and equipment is unaffected by Anodamine dosage. Anodamine has been specifically designed to speficially target virgin metal and heat exchange surfaces, the places where corrosion occurs. Operate without compromising your eyes into the cycle.


No Thermal Degradation

Anodamine is field-tested up to 4500 psi / 310 bar and 566°C / 1051°F on many high pressure boilers ranging from sub-critical drum units through to super critical once through generators, the latter delivering an operational CACE of approx. 0.08 uS/cm whilst maintaining a routine dosage of 1 ppm proportional to feed water flow.


Mitigate Flow-Assisted Corrosion

Since the Anodamine treatment has an approximately 60 % volatile, 40 % non-volatile partition ratio (see section 60/40 Volatile to Liquid Ratio), protection from FAC occurs both in single, two-phase and all liquid film locations. This unique protection from FAC related damage, oxide transport, tube wall thinning and re-deposition of corrosion products is especially evident where conventional chemistries simply fall short.


The Missing Link in AVT(O) and OT Treatment Regimes.

Anodamine's surface active technology allows for complete elimination of reducing agents and allows optimum ferrous and admiralty metal protection independent of oxygen residual, ammonia dosage, load changes, or cycle air-in-leakage. Please see section elimination of oxide transport.


One Product, No Risks of Overdosing

Anodamine does not typically recommend nor do we employ a multi-component mix of amines into our specialty product formulations. The use of neutralizing or alkalizing amines is not mandatory with application of Anodamine. All Anodamine formulations are fully water miscible, emulsion free, hydrophobic film-forming technologies. Moreover, no risks of overdosing or gunk balls exist.


Spectrophotometric Method

After a simple digestion, the color complex formed is then read with a suitable spectrophotometer. The absorbance is directly related to the concentration of organics in the sample.